Chophouse Prime Boneless Rib Steaks


Do you want some of the richest, beefiest tasting boneless rib steaks we can cut from a cow? Perfect. Looking for lean? Come back when you come to your senses. Fat equals flavour, and Chophouse Prime Boneless Rib Steaks are extremely well-endowed with natural marbling.



A note about weight vs. thickness

Please note that we cut our steaks to specific portion weights, not thickness. Naturally, the smaller the steak size the thinner the steak, the larger the steak size the thicker the steak, so if you desire a thicker steak, select a larger steak size.  Approximate thickness of our steaks: Striploin and Ribeyes – 10 oz. – ¾“, 12oz – 1”, 14oz – 1 ½”, 16oz – 1.5” and so on….