Brant Lake Wagyu Peeled Tri-Tip– is a very undervalued and misunderstood cut!
People cook a variety of meats for Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, Turkey seems to be the go-to, but there are plenty of alternatives to Thanksgiving turkey that will make dinner amazing. Be different. Serve beef. One of the best beef roasts for Thanksgiving is the Tri-Tip. It’s versatile, tender and juicy, and easy to prepare. How easy? We’ve got the step-by-step how to cook a Tri-Tip instructions below. No more dry turkey, no more complicated carving…just purely delicious beef that everyone will savour.
What’s a tri-tip?
The Tri-Tip comes from the bottom sirloin butt. The boneless Peeled Tri-Tip is separated from the ball tip and the flap through the natural seam and is trimmed free of all connective tissue and surface fat…… Great, now what? Jerry says…In the oven or on the BBQ it’s so easy.
How to Cook in the oven:
Preparation Time: Approximately 15 to 25 minutes. Before you begin. Make sure you follow the proper thawing method on our website
Step 1: Turn oven on 400 Degrees Fahrenheit – 204 Celsius
Step 2: Put skillet (preferably cast iron or other oven safe skillet) on stovetop. Turn stove on medium to medium high.
Step 3: Open Tri-Tip bag and discard. Note which way the grain of the meat runs. You’ll use this important fact later.
Step 4: Pat Tri-Tip dry with paper towel.
Step 5: Keep it simple! Season with just salt and pepper. Once you have seasoned, do it again.
Step 6: Your skillet should be hot enough by now. Add olive oil and a dollop of salted butter. The butter should start to turn brown the moment it starts to melt. Swirl oil and butter around to coat the bottom of the skillet.
Step 7: Place your Tri-Tip in the skillet and sear approximately 1 minute, turn over and sear for another minute.
Step 8: Put skillet in oven for approximately 15 to 20 minutes depending on how you like your meat. This would be a good time to pour yourself a Scotch, or open a beer, or you might want to consider using this time, if you haven’t already, to prepare a salad or something to go with the meat.
You might want to check your Tri-Tip with a meat thermometer after 12 – 15 minutes to ensure you don’t overcook it and to gauge the remaining time before you take it out of the oven, for Rare 125°F, Medium Rare 135°F, Medium 145°F, Medium-well or well-done? Knock it off……stop the madness!
Step 9: Take Tri-Tip out of the oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes on cutting board.
Step 10: Remember which way the grain ran? Good! Starting at the largest end, cut across the grain holding your sharp knife at a 30 to 35-degree angle (bevel) and cut into thin slices.
Step 11:Serve, eat and enjoy…… Tri-Tip is so tender and juicy.
Boy that was easy!
SAVE $10 on Brant Lake Wagyu Tri-tips
How to grill a tri-tip on the barbecue
Preparation Time: Approximately 15 to 25 minutes.
Skip Steps 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8. Instead, put seasoned Tri-Tip on BBQ (approximately 375/400 degrees), go away and come back approximately 10 minutes later and turn over. You might want to check your Tri-Tip with a meat thermometer after 12-15 minutes to ensure you don’t overcook it and to gauge the remaining time before you take it off the BBQ which shouldn’t be more than another 8-10 minutes approximately.
For Rare 125°F, Medium-rare 135°F, Medium 145°F, Medium-well or well-done? We’re not going any further than Medium. Proceed to Step 9 from oven method – take off BBQ. Now Step 10 and 11 and you’re done. Boy that was easy!
How to cut a tri-tip into steaks
Rather than cooking the Tri-Tip whole, you can steak the Peeled Tri-Tip if you like. Cut steaks 1¼” thick across the grain starting from the larger end. You should get 2 (7/8oz), 2 (4/5oz) and 2 (4oz) steaks butterflied, with a small wedge of meat left over to use in a stir fry. Or, do as I do and grill and eat the wedge while the rest of the steaks are cooking. Consider it a little treat. Don’t you dare cube it for beef stew….That’s just WRONG!
Did you know?
Chophouse Steaks is the exclusive distributor of Brant Lake Canadian Wagyu in Halifax? The cattle are 100% grass-fed and hormone free. Our Canadian Wagyu lineup includes 11 different cuts- beef back ribs that are to die for and 100% Canadian Wagyu ground beef and beef patties. What’s your pleasure?