How to Cook Flank Steak: Two Ways

What’s a Flank Steak?

Flank steaks in general tend to get a bad rap for being tough and requiring marinades to make them anywhere near tender. The truth is if you start with a good flank steak such as our Brant Lake Wagyu flank steak, and you follow the proper technique for how to cook flank steak, the results will be outstanding.

The Flank Steak comes from the flank region of the carcass. The flank steak is located at the cod or utter end and is separated from the transversus abdominis, obliquus abdomini internus and abliquus abdominis externus muscles through the natural seam. The flank steak is practically free of fat and membranous tissue.…… Great, now what?

Brant Lake Wagyu Flank Steak. So Easy to Prepare

Brant Lake Wagyu flank steak is an undervalued and underappreciated cut. But the reality is, not only does it deliver the signature flavour you’d expect from Wagyu steak, it is versatile and really good value for the money. If you’re wondering about how to cook flank steak, just follow our easy directions for cooking in the oven or barbecuing.

Jerry says – You can marinate if you want to, but why bother? In the oven or on the bbq, it’s so simple

Jerry Hiltz. Head Meat Guru – Chophouse Steaks

Method One: Oven Cooking

Step 1: Turn oven on 400 Degrees Fahrenheit – 204 Celsius

Step 2: Put skillet (preferably cast iron) or skillet that can be put in the oven on stovetop. Turn stove on medium to medium-high.

Step 3: Open flank steak bag and discard. Please take note the grain of the meat runs only one way. Make sure you identify which way the grain is running. You will use this important fact later.

Step 4: Pat flank Steak dry with paper towel.

Step 5: Keep it simple! Season with just salt and pepper. Once you have seasoned, do it again.

Step 6: Your skillet should be hot enough by now. Add olive oil and a dollop of butter. The butter (salted) should start to turn brown the moment it starts to melt. Swirl oil and butter around so bottom of the skillet is covered.

Step 7: Place your Brant Lake Wagyu flank steak in the skillet and sear approximately 1 minute. Turn over and sear for another minute.

Step 8: Place the skillet in the oven for approximately 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the flank steak and how you like your meat (rare, medium rare, etc.). This would be a good time to pour yourself a Scotch, or open a beer, or you might want to consider using this time, if you haven’t already, to prepare a salad or something to go with the meat. You might want to check your flank steak with a meat thermometer after 10 minutes to ensure you don’t overcook it and to gauge the remaining time before you take it out of the oven, for rare 125°F, medium rare 135°F, medium 145°F. If you cook it beyond medium, you’ll make us cry.

Step 9: Take the flank steak out of the oven and allow to rest for 5 minutes on a cutting board.

Step 10: Remember which way the grain ran? Good! There’s a critical step around how to slice flank steak. You MUST slice across the grain. That is to say, if the grain runs north-south, you want to slice east-west and vice versa. If it’s on more of a diagonal, slice on the opposite diagonal. Starting at one end, cut across the grain holding your sharp knife at a 30/35 degree angle (bevel) and cut into thin slices.

Step 11: Serve, eat and enjoy…… so tender and juicy.

Method Two: Barbecue Grilling

You may have heard that barbecuing flank steak will make it tough. Not true. And the method is not tough at all. It’s just a matter of the right temperature and time.

Skip Steps 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8 from above. Instead, put your seasoned flank steak on the BBQ (approximately 375 – 400 degrees). Go away and come back approximately 3 to 4 minutes later and turn over. You might want to check your steak with a meat thermometer after 10 minutes to ensure you don’t overcook it and to gauge the remaining time before you take it off the BBQ which shouldn’t be more than another 5 to 10 minutes or so. For Rare 125°F, Medium rare 135°F, Medium 145°F.

Now, take it off the BBQ and follow these last two steps just like the oven method. Starting at one end, cut across the grain holding your sharp knife at a 30-35 degree angle (bevel) and cut into thin slices. And the last step – dig in.

The Last Word on How to Cook Flank Steak

Don’t be intimidated by flank steak. Give it a try. We sell nothing but the best at Chophouse Steaks online butcher shop, and our Brant Lake Wagyu flank steak is no exception. If you’re looking for even more wagyu steak value, check out our Low and Slow BBQ Wagyu Steak package. As always, we ship across Canada. For more information and answers to your questions, check out our FAQ section.